Everything You Need to Know About Residential Conveyancing

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30 Apr, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Residential Conveyancing

Before moving into your new home, arranging your things, and getting ready to settle in, new
homeowners must go through a complex legal process with their residential conveyancing team.
While employing the help of a conveyancer doesn\u2019t make the procedure as easy as 1 2 3, these
professionals can surely make the residential purchasing process more efficient and hassle-free.

But what is residential conveyancing, and why is it essential to learn about it? Let\u2019s talk about that
in this blog.

What Is Residential Conveyancing?

Residential conveyancing is the legal process involved in transferring homes, condominiums,
apartments, townhouses, and other residential buildings from one party to another. The purpose
of residential conveyancing is to make the transaction legal, especially when changing the names
on the documents and the property\u2019s official ownership.

This procedure entails a series of steps, which include property searches, negotiations, document
preparation, and more.

Why Is It Important to Learn More About Residential Conveyancing?

If you are planning to purchase or sell a property, you can never get away from intricate legal
procedures. Here are some reasons you need to understand residential conveyancing even when
you\u2019re getting a conveyancer to help you along the process:

  1. It helps you understand the financial investment you\u2019re getting yourself into. Remember,
    transferring property ownership involves costs and potential financial implications. Therefore, you
    must have a solid knowledge of residential conveyancing to make informed decisions that align
    with your financial goals.
  2. It gives you a way to comprehend legal jargon. Although your conveyancer will explain the
    document\u2019s content to you, it would help to have a little background of these terms. In doing so,
    you are already familiar with your rights and responsibilities, protecting yourself from potential
    legal pitfalls and helping you achieve a smoother transaction.
  3. It helps mitigate risks. Understanding the conveyancing process allows you to examine
    documents and consult your conveyancer if you detect potential red flags. It is a proactive
    approach that will help you avoid unwanted disputes and financial losses in the transaction.
  4. It allows you to collaborate with your conveyancers effectively. Buying a residential property
    isn\u2019t like purchasing something at the mall, where you just pay for it, and it\u2019s a done deal. It involves
    a series of steps and processes, which calls for working closely with the involved parties. When
    you already have an idea of what you\u2019re doing, you can be more responsive to the conveyancer
    and keep the transaction on track.
  5. It gives you peace of mind. As you go along with the transaction, you will have confidence
    and peace of mind, knowing you\u2019re making the right decisions. This aspect is essential in every
    transaction because there is a significant amount of money that\u2019s on the line.

Critical Steps in Residential Conveyancing

As previously mentioned, the residential conveyancing process involves a series of steps to be
fulfilled before the seller hands the keys to the purchaser. With that, here are the key steps in
residential conveyancing you should know about

Instructing a Conveyancer

The process starts when you contact a residential conveyancer and instruct them to handle the
transaction, whether buying or selling the house.

These professionals will then ask you a series of questions or send you a questionnaire to collect
the information they need to proceed with the transaction. Always make sure to provide the correct
details, or else the other party will refuse to do business with you or claim damages or
compensation, which may lead to financial loss in the future.

Pre-Contract Checks and Searches

At this stage, the conveyancers are responsible for conducting property searches. The primary
purpose of this process is to ensure that the property is free from issues that may affect its value
or the buyer\u2019s intended use. The conveyancers search and examine planning permissions,
environmental concerns, outstanding mortgages or lien, and more.

Drafting Contracts

Depending on their findings from the property searches, the conveyancer will draft a contract
outlining the terms of the transaction. This document must also specify any significant information
about the property.

If you are the seller in the transaction, the conveyancer will send the contract to the buyer for
them to do a comprehensive review of the agreement.


It is crucial to bear in mind that the terms stipulated in the contract are still subject to negotiations
to make the agreement mutually beneficial for both parties. Hence, the buyer\u2019s conveyancer will
review the contract upon receiving the document and raise any questions or concerns with regard
to the property.

In this stage, both parties will discuss the terms and negotiate to address relevant issues. After
resolving outstanding issues, the parties exchange contracts and affix their signatures. The buyer
usually pays for the deposit during this step in most cases.


This marks the culmination of the conveyancing process, wherein the buyer pays the remaining
balance on the agreed-upon completion date. Once the transaction is completed, the ownership
will formally and legally change, and the seller\u2019s party will hand the keys to the buyer.

Post Completion

Buyers must also be aware of their responsibilities after owning the property, including paying
Stamp Duty Land Tax. During the final stage of the transaction, the new ownership must be
registered with the land registry to complete the process.

Buying Your Next Home? Let\u2019s Make that Quick and Easy!

Melbourne Conveyancing Group has a team of trusted professionals trained to do residential
conveyancing effectively. We only hire local experts to ensure that the conveyancers who work
with you have a comprehensive understanding of the relevant laws and regulations. Moreover,
they can also help you find the right property that will best suit your needs.

We\u2019ll help you from the first to the last stage of the residential conveyancing process and give you
a clear, concise, and fixed quote.

If you plan to sell a residential property, our professionals at Melbourne Conveyancing Group can
also be your partner, so you won\u2019t have to worry about the complicated legal work that comes
with the transaction.

Call us at 0426 385 900 or email info@melbourneconveyancinggroup.com.au, and let\u2019s discuss
how we can help you.

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